The aims of the Information and Communication Technology curriculum at the school level are to provide students with knowledge and skills in ICT to enable them to solve problems and make informed decisions in everyday life based on positive attitudes and noble values, and to develop concerned, dynamic and progressive individuals with an ICT culture that values knowledge and ethics towards the technological advancement of the nation.


 apply ICT knowledge and skills in the learning area to be taught
• generate ideas and produce problem-solving output by using either multimedia, programming or database application to meet identified needs
• show awareness of the technology usage and impact on the individual and society through ethical practices
• appreciate the role and significance of ICT and its impact on society and economy
• acquire knowledge about ICT principles, processes and related fields
• examine and understand ICT principles, processes and related fields
• communicate and manage information effectively through ICT


The curriculum emphasises the integration of Knowledge, Skills and Values.


The Knowledge aspect in the ICT curriculum comprises the following:

• concepts, facts and terminologies of ICT
• procedures in managing computer systems
• sequential processes in developing products
• programming commands and syntax
• current and future issues related to ICT


The skills in the ICT curriculum are skills through:

a. Communication Skills

This involves:

• information sharing and dissemination
• production through various means including graphic presentation, sketching and proto-typing using Information and Communication Technology
• identifying, elaborating and interpreting various points of view
• exploiting, accessing and processing information with confidence and competence
• ensuring security of information dissemination

b. Information Management Skills

The curriculum provides opportunities to develop information management

• maintaining the integration of the information
• using various inquiry techniques
• identifying, searching, collecting, saving, accessing and processing information
• categorising, analysing, synthesising and evaluating information
• presenting information clearly, logically, accurately and precisely

c. Managing Computer Systems

This involves the use of computer hardware and software for communications and problem-solving including the ability to identify, assemble and maintain computer systems.

d. Problem-solving Skills

Problem-solving skills encompass the following:

• logic and programming
• critical, creative, reflective and mantic thinking
• imaginative, initiative and flexibility
• identification, description, and re-interpretation of problems and analysis from various perspectives
• investigation, exploration and generation of ideas
• testing ideas and solutions, and making decisions based on experience and sound rationale
• process and product evaluation

Inherent within any successful use of ICT is the ability to handle information systems with diligence, accuracy, precision and confidence. Furthermore, the codes of ethics of communication in ICT will instil qualities like responsibility, respect, cooperation and accountability.